
How many of you have heard the expression GLAM-MOTHER?

According to the Urban Dictionary, a glam-mom is “a grandmother that is young, is still beautiful, a diva”.

It seems that this is quite a popular term. Etsy, even sells printed pillows that read:

“Glam-Ma, noun.

a woman whose children have had children but she is far too young, gorgeous and glamorous to be called grandma”.

A couple of years ago I met an elementaty school teacher at a friends 60th birthday party. She asked me if I had grandchildren, I replied yes. She then said, ” you are a glam- mother!” Of course I didn’t understand the reference. She explained that many of the children at school were picked up by their young looking and attractive grandmothers. LOL! What a lovely compliment!

Today grandmothers are indeed a changing breed. Many continue to work past retirement. Others are more educated than their mother’s. The new grandmother will pamper herself at spas and hair salons, will shop the latest fashion trends, go to the gym and continue to wear stilettos!

Long gone are the days when the majority of grandmothers had grey hair, wore spectales/glasses, knitted and spent the day cooking and baking.

When I became a grandmother at 50, I was estatic for my daughter and son-in-law but felt too young to be labeled a grandmother. It seemed that I’d just finished raising my two children.

Today, I embrace being a grandmother because we are no longer seen as gray-haired old women with glasses and granny shoes but as “Glam-moms!”

With the holiday season at our doorstep and friends and family scrambling to find the perfect gift, the inscribed pillow might be a great gift idea for a “Glam-mom.”

Stay tuned. 😊😊

5 thoughts on “Glam-mother

  1. I love that term! I know I will still be going to the gym and wearing my stilettos well into old age.
    I think today it’s even more important to take care of ourselves, to keep looking youthful because women are having children at an older age. I’m sure they don’t want to look like their kids’ grandmother instead of their mother.


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